Heartache Relief








“I want to feel like myself again.”

“I want to feel at peace when I think about my past and my ex.”

“I want to feel better about my future…”

IT MAY BE TIME FOR HEARTACHE RELIEF, A HOLISTIC HEALING EXPERIENCE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH RELIEF FOLLOWING A BREAKUP. I was inspired to create this offering after my own personal experience of heartache (more on this later); in my healing, I learned that when you resolve the “ouch” events in your relational history, you are liberated to be the free, vital, radiant self you truly are. 

“Turn your wounds into wisdom” – Oprah Winfrey


HEARTACHE RELIEF, CLIENT TESTIMONY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Waking up every day has been one of the hardest things for me. Before I could even process that I was waking, so many feelings of pain would just rush in…like I got hit by a truck. This morning, after just one phone call with you, when I woke, I felt…not that. And instead of crying tears of pain, I cried tears of genuine happiness, joy, and love. So that’s what today has been, and is going to be. Joseph, thank you so much! Just wanted to share.” 🙏❤🙂 – Cassie J.

One week later: “I’ve been riding the wave of the most ME since our session.   

And already so many occurrences/old “triggers” that I’ve now been able to encounter with incredible acceptance, satisfaction, and love.” – Cassie J.




  1. Were you happy before you met your ex?
  2. Were you happy with your ex?
  3. Did you get angry, sad, frustrated, and/or anxious with your ex?
  4. Have you been sad and/or angry without your ex?
  5. Would you like to be happy?

Would you like to be happy?

Happy like before you met your ex, or happier than you’ve ever been? Would you like to expand your world and success as a result of this happiness? I can help you! When you understand how your ex has gifted you by her/his relating with you and your powerful role in creating what you experienced, you begin to see and feel important lessons that will positively change your life and free you to feel the well-being that is available to you.

Feeling without any resistance is part of the healing.

Feeling without blaming yourself or another is part of the healing.

Tapping into the beauty of your core essence is part of the healing.

Letting go of the story that no longer serves you is part of the healing.

Realizing your experience has expanded your capacity to feel, and to love is part of the healing.


WHEN I, JOSEPH RECEIVED MY HEARTACHE LETTER, (some would call it a breakup letter) I was shocked. I didn’t see it coming, though in retrospect when I got the letter I was carrying a significant unhealed trauma that was clouding my reality. After the initial shock, I realized the profound importance of the invitation. I was invited to feel myself and those I relate with at a deeper level than I had ever experienced before.

I began my own Heartache Relief journey by resolving every unfinished, unresolved, painful relational memory I could find, in my entire life; to be with the memory, feel it, and then heal and complete it. I did one event per day, five days a week…it took many weeks. And with each event that I cleared, the process became lighter and I became clearer. I learned that even though I had spent decades assisting others in their healing, it was difficult to heal myself without assistance. 

During my Heartache Relief process, I had a “light bulb” lesson that I discovered from my event clearing. At age thirteen, six weeks after my Father had to leave the home, due to divorce, when missing my father and frustrated with the change, I got angry and my mother said, “if I ever see that again, you can go live with your Father.” She meant, “I would be exiled…as my father had.” And, that meant to me…a loss of connection with my mother and both of my sisters, etc. so at that moment, I decided that “in stressful situations, women can’t handle witnessing my feelings,” and so I decided, “the way to protect the relationships and people I love (mother, sisters, etc.) during stress, was to THINK, not Feel. In looking at my history when I failed in stressful situations, it was when the appropriate response would have been to FEEL instead of think my way through the situation.

This was one of many life-changing lessons I learned during my clearing process and now because I recognize my blind spot I am free to feel fully. I also learned forgiveness for my dear mother, single, and age 33 who was overwhelmed, with three kids (age 13, 12, and 7) and who had a positive intention to reduce household stress. (It would also have served my mother if I had been able to feel, not my feelings; but to have the compassion for her feelings, that I now have.)

Once I completed clearing my historical trauma, almost immediately after, I felt and still feel clear, free, and unconditional love for myself, and all those who before I had contracted energy around.  My world, and ability to be in it, have expanded massively! I feel at ease and have a love for people that is deeper, more comforting, and exciting. Work feels easy, and play is so much more fulfilling! Besides feeling great, my relationships and business have improved 10x. I’m doing the best and deepest work of my life, and the booking and referrals effortlessly flow in. Even my eyesight has improved, objects appear sharper and colors are brighter. 

I choose to feel my heartache and what led up to it, fully, and this opened me and I thank my Love Angel for her heartache letter which led me down this path to profound and unconditional love.

 – Joseph Faust


Not feeling something fully, keeps oneself in resistance, and what you resist, persists. Feeling something fully lets you BE with it, heal it, and find choice and the lessons related to it.

We can resist what is.

Allow what is.

Or create what will be.

Which choices do you imagine will work the best?



A soothing, healing, and transformational experience.

Text Joseph for availability 310.433.0424